AHoD 1.1 Release + Big Thanks

Hi y'all, It's Shiro.

First, I wanna say how happy I am about how well this release has been received. I'm very glad the VN has been received warmly; that means a lot to me. I appreciate all of the reviews, downloads, and whatnot the game has released. Thank you so much for everything. <3

Today, I released a small patch to AHoD- making it version 1.1. The changes include:

  • Fixing an error with the Discord Rich Presence code
  • Improving audio mixing (the gate sound effect had some haters)
  • Fixing some small writing errors

So, yeah. I'm cooking up my next project as we speak, although it'll be a while for that to come to fruition. Either way, thanks for reading, and thanks so much for playing.


AHandfulofDust-1.1-mac.zip 101 MB
23 days ago
AHandfulofDust-1.1-pc.zip 105 MB
23 days ago
ahod.program-1.1-1724687614-release.apk 112 MB
23 days ago

Get A Handful of Dust


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heeelp i can't get the pc version to launch :( 

What's your issue exactly? What is showing up when you try to run it?

i double click and it doesn't launch, though it does show up in my processes. is there an error log or something idk much about renpy